Source code for transition

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. module:: transition
   :synopsis: this file contains the Transition class.

import threading

[docs]class Transition (object): """This Transition class is used to create a transition. A transition is an action, represented by the 'run' function. This action is performed between a source and destination dock, each of which is attached to a place. This is an abstract class that need to be override. In particular, the method 'run' must be override """ """ BUILD TRANSITION """ def __init__(self, name, src, dst, func, args, places): = name self.src_place = src self.dst_place = dst self.code = func self.args = args self.bind_docks(places)
[docs] def bind_docks(self, places): """This method is called from the Component class to create docks into places associated to the transition. Once created these docks are bound to the transition. :param places: the dictionary of all places declared for the component """ for key in places: # create output dock in the src place and bind it if key == self.src_place: self.src_dock = places[key].create_output_dock(self) # create input dock in the dst place and bind it if key == self.dst_place: self.dst_dock = places[key].create_input_dock(self)
[docs] def setname(self, name): """ This method set the name of the transition :param name: tha name (string) to set """ = name
[docs] def getname(self): """ This method returns the name of the transition :return: name (string) """ return
[docs] def get_src_dock(self): """ This method returns the source dock of the transition :return: the source dock self.src_dock """ return self.src_dock
[docs] def get_dst_dock(self): """ This method returns the destination dock of the transition :return: the destination dock self.dst_dock """ return self.dst_dock
[docs] def start_thread(self, dryrun): """ This method creates the thread of the transition :return: the Thread of the transition """ if not dryrun: self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.code, args=self.args) self.thread.start() else: pass
[docs] def join_thread(self, dryrun): """ This method tries to join self.thread. The default behavior has no timeout. :return: True if the tread has been joined, False othwise """ if not dryrun: if not self.thread.is_alive(): self.thread.join() return True else: return False else: return True